Top providers from all healthcare sectors proudly serve UW Family Medicine. Compassionate and knowledgeable physicians, providers, behavioral health professionals, nurses, technicians and case managers form a powerful team on your journey to quality, comprehensive healthcare, regardless of your insurance coverage or ability to pay.
As part of this commitment, in addition to our regular clinic times, we’re always available at our 24-hour answering service, seven days per week, 365 days per year. Simply call 307.632.2434 for medical assistance after clinic hours, on weekends and during holidays.
SERVICIO DE ATENCIÓN LAS 24 HORAS Para su comodidad, los proveedores de UWFM están de guardia las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana. Llame al 307.632.2434 para obtener asistencia médica después del horario de atención de la clínica, los fines de semana y los feriados.
We provide compassionate quality health care to thousands of seniors each year, in the clinic, hospital and nursing homes.
UW Family Medicine staff track mammograms, prenatal patients and assist with nursing home placements. As a patient’s biggest advocate, they offer assistance with Medicaid and Medicare enrollment and find resources for longterm self-help services and other healthcare needs like clothing, food, shelter, medication assistance or oxygen. Our staff’s mission is to empower patients and their families and are an integral part of our charge to provide superior, comprehensive care to all of Cheyenne.
Our list of procedures offered onsite is vast and includes exercise treadmill testing, osteopathic manipulation, vasectomy, endometrial biopsy and colposcopy, joint/trigger point injections, IUD and Nexplanon insertion and removal, splinting and casting, colonoscopy/EDG, surgical consultation, minor orthopedic procedures and minor dermatologic procedures.
Our Providers offer family medicine services as well as palliative onsite end-of-life care in partnership with local nursing homes and hospice agencies.
Specialty clinics include Coumadin, and diabetes education.
Covered by Medicare and available to all Medicare beneficiaries, this annual visit includes a personalized prevention plan and health risk assessment.